7 réflexions sur « FAQ [english version] »

  1. Dear Christelle,

    What is the meaning of Thorns watch? i’ve had this feeling that it was supposed to play a role in their relationship, i even thought Ophelie would be forced to read it a some point but when that never happened i was utterly confused, was i wrong about the importance this item should play?
    Was Ophelie’s infertility supposed to mirror Eulalies? The motherhood issue is worked all through the books, Ophelie has a bad relationship with her mother, Thorn’s maternal figures aren’t the most lovable, and Eulalie Deos seems to have need to be someone’s mother or at least to have a baby to work on. And after Ophelie travels back from the wrong side and it’s not “mirrored” anymore that means she’s not infertile now? Does that change or mean anything for her?
    And if Ophelie manages to bring Thorn back, what do you think they’ll do with their lives now that they don’t have to fight for them? They’re obviously very physically and emotionally scared from the experience but as two peoples whom have never been together without a tragedy between them what do you think they feel now that they can be comfortable? i can’t picture them having a very domestic life or been openly affectionate with each other so i tend to think they each would find a very important matter to keep themselves busy.
    If you answer this thank you so much even if you think the questions are kinda dumb lol. And thank you so much for writing this wonderful books that fill me with joy.

  2. Dear christelle,
    I loved reading the mirror visitor series and I had a few questions about it.

    1)did second sentences had any sense, especially the one she kept repeating to Ophelia : “But that well was no more real than a rabbit of Odin“

    2) do you think Farouk, Berenilde and Victoria will live in the same house, like a family?

    3) do you think Victoria will say anything about her meeting thorn in the opposite word?

    4) do you think Ophelia will find thorn at the end? Is there any way she can?

    5) and the last question, which I’m sorry to ask cause you keep hearing the same one, will there be any sequel or any spin off of the saga?

    Thank you for giving us this story!

    ( sorry for my English)

  3. Dearest Christelle,

    These are my questions for you;

    1) how do you start writing a book? Do you make plans for each one?
    2) are there any hidden facts from behind the scenes of La Passé Miroir that you can share with us?
    3) any news on the comic version of LPM? Can we expect an English version?
    4) What’s one genre you would like to write? Do you see yourself as a solely fantasy writer?
    5) what’s your happiest memory from your career these past few years?
    6) From all the books you’ve written, which one is your personal favourite?
    7) are there any plans for Nous to be translated?

    Congrats on your new book! Can’t wait for it!

  4. Hello!
    I have some questions about le passe-miroir
    1) why did Archibald get embarrassed when Ophelia said she would ‘settle their bill’ at the start of ‘ the missing of clairedelune’
    2) I like the open ending as the characters get to live on, but did you have any theories on how Ophelia would reach thorn?
    3) it’s crazy how much the story foreshadows in a winters promise as far as god and the rupture, did you always have a clear idea of god and the other and all the answers we got in the later books?
    4) When did Thorn know Ophelia loved him? When he was constantly asking her in ‘the memory of babel’ if she had something to say to him, was that what he was hinting at?
    5) Victoria’s character felt like she had so more potential, do you have any further plans for her?
    6) why did Elizabeth not have red hair if she was who Ophelia would have looked like?
    Thankyou so much, Isla

  5. Dear Christelle,

    Now that you’re an experienced writer, do you ever revisit your previous works? If so do you recognise any things you ‘d change and how do you cope with the thought that now that they’re published it’s tough to change them?

    Also- what do you think are the best/worse parts about being an author?

    I love your books, thank you for writing them! I hope you’re doing well!

  6. Will the mirror visitor saga have a new book??? I need to know how the story continues! I loved that saga so muchh and the finale made me cry </3. I love your books and theyr stories<3

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